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Deploying Distributed Cluster

This page provides instructions on how to deploy a distributed cluster for Fluss on bare machines.


Hardware Requirements

Fluss runs on all UNIX-like environments, e.g. Linux, Mac OS X. To build a distributed cluster, you need to have at least two nodes. This doc provides a simple example of how to deploy a distributed cluster on three nodes.

Software Requirements

Before you start to set up the system, make sure you have the following software installed on each node:

  • Java 17 or higher (Java 8 and Java 11 are not recommended)
  • Zookeeper 3.6.0 or higher (It is not recommended to use zookeeper versions below 3.6.0)

If your cluster does not fulfill these software requirements you will need to install/upgrade it.

JAVA_HOME Configuration

Flink requires the JAVA_HOME environment variable to be set on all nodes and point to the directory of your Java installation.

Fluss Setup

This part will describe how to set up Fluss cluster consisting of one coordinator server and multiple tablet servers across three machines. Suppose you have three nodes have ip address:

  • Node1:
  • Node2:
  • Node3:

Node1 will deploy the CoordinatorServer and one TabletServer, Node2 and Node3 will deploy one TabletServer.


  1. Make sure ZooKeeper has been deployed, and assuming the ZooKeeper address is see Running zookeeper cluster to deploy a distributed ZooKeeper.

  2. Download Fluss

Go to the downloads page and download the latest Fluss release. After downloading the latest release, copy the archive to all the nodes and extract it:

tar -xzf fluss-0.7-SNAPSHOT-bin.tgz
cd fluss-0.7-SNAPSHOT/

Configuring Fluss

After having extracted the archived files, you need to configure Fluss for the cluster by editing conf/server.yaml

For Node1, the config is as follows:
coordinator.port: 9123
zookeeper.path.root: /fluss 1

For Node2, the config is as follows:

zookeeper.path.root: /fluss 2

For Node3, the config is as follows:

zookeeper.path.root: /fluss 3
  • is the unique id of the TabletServer, if you have multiple TabletServers, you should set different id for each TabletServer.
  • In this example, we only set the properties that must be configured, and for some other properties, you can refer to Configuration for more details.

Starting Fluss

To start Fluss, you should first to start a CoordinatorServer in node1 and then start each TabletServer in node1, node2, node3. The command is as follows:

Starting CoordinatorServer

In node1, starting a CoordinatorServer:

./bin/ start

Starting TabletServer

In node1, node2, node3, starting a TabletServer is as follows:

./bin/ start

After that, the Fluss distributed cluster is started.

Interacting with Fluss

After the Fluss cluster is started, you can use Fluss Client (e.g., Flink SQL Client) to interact with Fluss. The following subsections will show you how to use Flink SQL Client to interact with Fluss.

Using Flink SQL Client to interact with Fluss.


You can start a Flink standalone cluster refer to Flink Environment Preparation

Note: Make sure the Fluss connector jar already has copied to the lib directory of your Flink home.

Add catalog

In Flink SQL client, a catalog is created and named by executing the following query:

Flink SQL
CREATE CATALOG fluss_catalog WITH (
'type' = 'fluss',
'bootstrap.servers' = ''

Do more with Fluss

After the catalog is created, you can use Flink SQL Client to do more with Fluss, for example, create a table, insert data, query data, etc. More details please refer to Flink Getting Started.