All Classes and Interfaces

Disable inheritable ThreadFactory.
TransmittableThreadLocal(TTL) can transmit the value from the thread of submitting task to the thread of executing task even using thread pooling components.
Transmitter transmit all TransmittableThreadLocal and registered ThreadLocal values of the current thread to other thread.
The transmittee is the extension point for other ThreadLocals which are registered by registerTransmittee method.
TTL Java Agent.
The TTL attachments for TTL tasks, eg: TtlRunnable, TtlCallable.
TtlAttachments delegate/implementation.
TtlCallable decorate Callable to get TransmittableThreadLocal value and transmit it to the time of Callable execution, needed when use Callable to thread pool.
TtlCopier copies the value when Transmitter#capture(), use the copied value when Transmitter#replay(Object).
a Ttl marker/tag interface, for ttl enhanced class, for example TTL wrapper like TtlRunnable, TtlCallable.
Util methods for TTL wrapper of jdk executors.
Util methods to wrap/check/unwrap methods for disable Inheritable wrapper of ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.
A recursive resultless ForkJoinTask enhanced by TransmittableThreadLocal.
A recursive result-bearing ForkJoinTask enhanced by TransmittableThreadLocal.
TtlRunnable decorate Runnable to get TransmittableThreadLocal value and transmit it to the time of Runnable execution, needed when use Runnable to thread pool.
TTL ClassFileTransformer of Java Agent
Util methods for TTL Wrapper: unwrap TTL Wrapper and check TTL Wrapper.
Ttl Wrapper interface.
Util methods for TTL Wrapper: wrap common Functional Interface.