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Lazy is implemented by C++20 stackless coroutine. A Lazy is a lazy-evaluated computational task.

Use Lazy

We need to include <async_simple/coro/Lazy.h> first to use Lazy. And we need to implement a function whose return type is Lazy<T>. Like:

#include <async_simple/coro/Lazy.h>
Lazy<int> task1(int x) {
    co_return x; // A function with co_return is a coroutine function.

We could co_await other awaitable objects in Lazy:

#include <async_simple/coro/Lazy.h>
Lazy<int> task2(int x) {
    co_await std::suspend_always{};
    co_return x;

Alignment Requirement

Due the limitation of ABI, Compiler Implementation and the usage of async_simple itself, we requrie the alignment of T in Lazy<T> can exceed alignof(std::max_align_t) (which is generally 16).

Start Lazy

We could start a Lazy by co_await, syncAwait, .start(callback) or directlyStart(callback, executor).


For example:

#include <async_simple/coro/Lazy.h>
Lazy<int> task1(int x) {
    co_return x;
Lazy<> task2() {
    auto t = task1(10);
    auto x = co_await t; // start coroutine 't'.
    assert(x == 10);

When we co_await a Lazy, symmetric transfer would happen. Symmetric transfer would suspend the current coroutine and execute the co_awaited coroutine immediately. If the co_awaited coroutine is a Lazy, it would resume the current coroutine by symmetric transfer when the co_awaited coroutine is done. The value returned by co_await expression is wrapped in Lazy<T>.

Note that, we couldn't assume that the statements after a co_await expression would run finally. It is possible if:

  • The waited task doesn't complete all the way.
  • There is an bug in the scheduler. The task submitted to the scheduler wouldn't be promised to schedule.
  • There is an exception happened in the waited task. In this case, the current coroutine would return to its caller instead of executing the following statments.

Note that we should only co_await a Lazy in a Lazy function in users code.


For example:

#include <async_simple/coro/Lazy.h>
#include <iostream>
Lazy<int> task1(int x) {
    co_return x;
Lazy<> task2() {
    auto t = task1(10);
    auto x = co_await t;
    assert(x == 10);
void func() {
    task2().start([](Try<void> Result){
        if (Result.hasError())
            std::cout << "Error Happened in task2.\n";
            std::cout << "task2 completed successfully.\n";

The callback in Lazy<T>::start(callback) need to be a callable object which accepts an Try<T> argument.

Lazy<T>::start(callback) would execute the corresponding Lazy immediately. After the Lazy is completed, its result would be forwarded to the callback. By design, start should be a non-blocking asynchronous interface. Semantically, user could image start would return immediately. User shouldn't assume when start would return. It depends on how the Lazy would execute actually.

In case the callback isn't needed, we could write:


directlyStart(callback, executor)

Similar to start, but provides a paramter for binding a scheduler when starting a coroutine. It is important to note that directlyStart does not immediately schedule the task when coroutine start.

Lazy<> task() {
    auto e = co_await currentExecutor{};
    // binding executor successfully.
    // lazy schedule, work doesn't run in executor.
    co_await coro::Sleep(1s);
    // Sleep function need executor schedule, now work runs in executor.
void func() {
    auto executor=std::make_shared<executors::SimpleExecutor>(1);
    task().directlyStart([executor](Try<void> Result){},executor.get());


For example:

#include <async_simple/coro/Lazy.h>
Lazy<int> task1(int x) {
    co_return x;
Lazy<> task2() {
    auto t = task1(10);
    auto x = co_await t;
    assert(x == 10);
void func() {
    auto value = syncAwait(task2()); // Wait for task2() synchronously.

syncAwait would block the current process until the waited Lazy complete. syncAwait is a synchronous blocking interface.

Get the value and exception handling

For the object task whose type is Lazy<T>, the type of co_await task would be T. If there is an exception in task, co_await task would throw the exception.

For example:

Lazy<int> foo() {
    throw std::runtime_error("test");
    co_return 1;
Lazy<int> bar() {
    int res;
    try {
        res = co_await foo();
    } catch(...) {
        std::cout << "error happened in foo. Set result to -1.\n";
        res = -1;

    co_return res;
void baz() {
    auto res = syncAwait(bar());
    std::cout << "Result: " << res << "\n"; // res is -1.

Note that it is not a good practice to wrap co_await by try...catch statement all the time. On the one hand, it is inconvenient. On the other hand, the current coroutine would handle the unhandled_exception by the design of coroutine. For the example of Lazy, in case of an unhandled exception happens, the exception would be stored into the current Lazy.

For example:

Lazy<int> foo() {
    throw std::runtime_error("test");
    co_return 1;
Lazy<int> bar() {
    int res;
    res = co_await foo();
    assert(false); // Wouldn't execute

    co_return res;
Lazy<int> baz() {
    co_return co_await bar();
void normal() {
    try {
    } catch(...) {
        // We could catch the exception here.
void normal2() {
    baz().start([](Try<int> result){
        if (result.hasError())
            std::cout << "baz has error!!\n"; 

If there is an exception happened in the chain of Lazies, the exception would be forwarded to the root caller. If the Lazy is invoked by syncAwait, we could use try..catch to catch the exception. For the use of .start, we could detect the exception by the Try argument in the callback.

If we want to handle the exception in place when we awaits exception, we could use coAwaitTry method. For example:

Lazy<int> foo() {
    throw std::runtime_error("test");
    co_return 1;
Lazy<int> bar() {
    Try<int> res = co_await foo().coAwaitTry();
    if (res.hasError()) {
        std::exception_ptr error = res.getException();
        // calculating error.
    co_return res.value();

For an object task with type Lazy<T>, the type of expression co_await task.coAwaitTry() would be Try<T>.


Semantically, RescheduleLazy is a Lazy with an executor. RescheduleLazy only supports .start and syncAwait to start. It would submit the task to resume the RescheduleLazy to the corresponding executor.

Get RescheduleLazy

We couldn't create RescheduleLazy directly. And RescheduleLazy couldn't be the return type of a coroutine. We could only get the RescheduleLazy by the via method of Lazy. For example:

void foo() {
    executors::SimpleExecutor e1(1);
    auto addOne = [&](int x) -> Lazy<int> {
        auto tmp = co_await getValue(x);
        co_return tmp + 2;
    RescheduleLazy Scheduled = addOne().via(&e1);
    syncAwait(Scheduled); // e1 would decide when would `addOne` execute.

Passing Executor

We could use Lazy only to write a seris of computation tasks. And we could assign an executor for the tasks at the start of the root caller. And the executor would be passed along the way the tasks get started.

For example:

#include <async_simple/coro/Lazy.h>
#include <iostream>
Lazy<int> task1(int x) {
    co_return co_await calculating(x);
Lazy<int> task2(int x) {
    co_return co_await task1(x);
Lazy<int> task3(int x) {
    co_return co_await task2(x);
Lazy<int> task4(int x) {
    co_return co_await task3(x);
void func(int x, Executor *e) {
    task4(x).via(e).start([](auto&& result){
        std::cout << "Completed task to calculate x.\n"
                     "Result is " << result << "\n";

In the above example, task1...task4 represents a task chain consists of Lazy. We assign an executor e for the root of the task chain in func then we get a RescheduleLazy. After start is called, all of tasks (including task1..task4) would scheduled by the executor.

So we could assign the executor at the root the task chain simply.


LazyLocals is similar to thread_local in a thread environment. Users can customize their own LazyLocals by deriving from LazyLocals and implement static function T::classsof(const LazyLocalBase*)

async_simple provides a type conversion check for LazyLocals that is safe and efficient without relying on RTTI, requiring only a single integer comparison operation. Additionally, async_simple automatically manages the lifecycle of LazyLocal. Below is an example of usage:

template<typename T>
struct mylocal: public LazyLocalBase {
    template<typename... Args>
    mylocalImpl(Args...&& args): LazyLocalBase(&tag), value(std::forward<Args>(args)...){}
    static bool classof(const LazyLocalBase* base) {
        return base->getTypeTag() == &tag;
    T value;
    inline static char tag;

void foo() {
    auto sub_task = []() -> Lazy<> {
        // Get the pointer to the lazy local value by calling co_await CurrentLazyLocals
        mylocal<int>* v = co_await CurrentLazyLocals<mylocal<int>>{};
        // If the coroutine is not bound to a local variable, or the type conversion fails, return a null pointer
        EXPECT_NE(v, nullptr);
        EXPECT_EQ(v->value, 42);

    auto task = []() -> Lazy<> {
        // Obtain the base class pointer
        LazyLocalBase* v = co_await CurrentLazyLocals{};
        // If the coroutine is not bound to a local variable, return a null pointer
        EXPECT_NE(v, nullptr);
        // The user can skip the safety check of type conversion by casting the base class pointer
        EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<mylocal<int>>(v)->value, 42);
        // The local value will automatically propagate to each coroutine in the call chain via co_await
        co_await sub_task();

setLazyLocal allows users to construct the specified object in place or pass in a unique_ptr or shared_ptr of that object.

It is important to note that LazyLocals will be destructed after the coroutine completes and before the callback is invoked. Therefore, if you want to safely access LazyLocals in the callback function, you need to manage the lifecycle yourself or share the lifecycle using shared_ptr.

void foo() {
    int* i = new int(42);
    task().via(&ex).setLazyLocal<mylocal<int*>>(i).start([i](Try<void>) {
        std::cout << *i << std::endl;
        delete i;

void bar() {
    auto ptr = std::make_shared<mylocal<int>>(42);
    task().via(&ex).setLazyLocal<mylocal<int*>>(ptr).start([ptr](Try<void>) {
        std::cout << ptr->value << std::endl;

Finally, calling setLazyLocal again in a coroutine that has already called setLazyLocal will throw a std::logic_error exception, as we want to ensure that the bound LazyLocals are not changed midway through the coroutine's execution.


Sometimes we may want the executing Lazy to yield out. (For example, we found the Lazy has been executed for a long time) We can yield it by co_await async_simple::coro::Yield{}; in the Lazy.

Get the Current Executor

We can get the current executor in a Lazy by co_await async_simple::CurrentExecutor{};



It is a common need to wait for a lot of tasks. We could use collectAll to do this. For example:

Lazy<int> foo() {
    std::vector<Lazy<int>> input;

    vector<Try<int>> out = co_await collectAll(std::move(input));

    co_return out[0].value() + out[1].value();

collectAll is a coroutine. collectAll represents a task that wait for all the tasks in the input. Since collectAll is a coroutine, too. We need to use co_await to get the result.


collectAll accepts two kinds of argument.

  • Argument type: std::vector<Lazy<T>>. Return type: std::vector<Try<T>>.
  • Argument type: Lazy<T1>, Lazy<T2>, Lazy<T3>, .... Return type: std::tuple<Try<T1>, Try<T2>, Try<T3>, ...>.

The example for the second type:

Lazy<int> computeInt();
Lazy<double> computeDouble();
Lazy<std::string> computeString();
Lazy<> foo() {
    std::tuple<Try<int>, Try<double>, Try<std::string>> Res = 
        co_await collectAll(computeInt(), computeDouble(), computeString());

    Try<int> IntRes = std::get<0>(Res);
    if (IntRes.hasError())
        std::cout << "Error happened in computeInt()\n";
        std::cout << "Result for computeInt: " << IntRes.value() << "\n";
    // ...

Other interfaces


If all the arguments of collectAll is Lazy instead of RescheduleLazy, collectAll would execute every Lazy serially. There are two solutions:

  • Make every input as RescheduleLazy.
  • Use collectAllPara.

Here let's talk more about collectAllPara. Note that the current coroutine needs to have an executor in case we use collectAllPara, otherwise all the Lazy tasks would be also executed serially.

For example:

Lazy<int> foo() {
    std::vector<Lazy<int>> input;

    vector<Try<int>> out = co_await collectAllPara(std::move(input));

    co_return out[0].value() + out[1].value();
void bar() {
    // auto t = syncAwait(foo()); // Wrong!foo didn't get executor. The tasks would be executed serially.
    executors::SimpleExecutor e1(1);
    auto t = syncAwait(foo().via(&e1)); // Correct, assign executor in advance

The argument type and return type of collectAllPara is the same with collectAll.


When we need to execute concurrent tasks in batches. We could use collectAllWindowed. The arguments type and meaning of collectAllWindowed are:

  • size_t maxConcurrency. The number of tasks in every batch.
  • bool yield。If the coroutine would suspend when one batch of tasks get completed.
  • std::vector<Lazy<T>> lazys. All the tasks that need to execute.

For example:

Lazy<int> sum(std::vector<Try<int>> input);
Lazy<int> batch_sum(size_t total_number, size_t batch_size)  {
    std::vector<Lazy<int>> input;
    for (auto i = 0; i < total_number; i++)

    auto out = co_await collectAllWindowed(batch_size, true, std::move(input));

    co_return co_await sum(std::move(out));


Sometimes we need only a result of a lot of tasks. We could use collectAny in this case. collectAny would return the result of the first task get completed. All other tasks would detach and their results would be ignored.

Parameter Type and the corresponding behavior

  • Argument type: std::vector<LazyType<T>>. Return type: Lazy<CollectAnyResult<T>>.
  • Argument type: LazyType<T1>, LazyType<T2>, LazyType<T3>, .... Return type: std::variant<Try<T1>, Try<T2>, Try<T3>, ...>.
  • Argument type: std::pair/std::tuple<LazyType<T1>, [](size_t, Try<T1>)>, std::pair/std::tuple<LazyType<T2>, [](size_t, Try<T2>)>, .... Return type: size_t.
  • Argument type: std::vector<LazyType<T>>, [](Try<T>). Return type: size_t

LazyType should be Lazy<T> or RescheduleLazy<T>.

If LazyType is Lazy<T>, collectAny will execute the corresponding task in the current thread immediately until the coroutine task get suspended. If LazyType is RescheduleLazy<T>, collectAny will submit the task to the specified Executor. Then collectAny will iterate on the next task.

It depends on the use case and the implementation of Executor to choose Lazy<T> or RescheduleLazy<T>. If it takes a little time to reach the first possible suspend point, it may be better to use Lazy<T>. For example,

bool should_get_value();
int default_value();
Lazy<int> conditionalWait() {
    if (should_get_value())
        co_return co_await get_remote_value();
    co_return default_value();
Lazy<int> getAnyConditionalValue() {
    std::vector<Lazy<int>> input;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

    auto any_result = co_await collectAny(std::move(input));
    co_return any_result.value();

In this example, it takes a short time to reach the first suspend point. And it is possible we can short-cut it. It is possible that the 1st task returns its result on the first iteration and we don't need to evaluate all the other tasks.

But if it takes a long time to reash the first suspend point, maybe it is better to use RescheduleLazy<T>.

void prepare_for_long_time();
Lazy<int> another_long_computing();
Lazy<int> long_computing() {
    co_return co_await another_long_computing();
Lazy<int> getAnyConditionalValue(Executor* e) {
    std::vector<RescheduleLazy<int>> input;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

    auto any_result = co_await collectAny(std::move(input));
    co_return any_result.value();

In this case, every task is heavier. And if we use Lazy<T>, it is possible that one of the task takes the resources for a long time and other tasks can't get started. So it may be better to use RescheduleLazy<T> in such cases.

When pass callback function to collectAny, the result of executed coroutine will be handled in callback function, and return the index of the executed coroutine.

void variadicCallback() {
    auto test0 = []() -> Lazy<Unit> { co_return Unit{}; };
    auto test1 = []() -> Lazy<int> { co_return 42; };
    auto test2 = [](int val) -> Lazy<std::string> {
        co_return std::to_string(val);

    auto collectAnyLazy = [](auto&&... args) -> Lazy<size_t> {
        co_return co_await collectAny(std::move(args)...);
    int call_count = 0;
    size_t index = syncAwait(
        collectAnyLazy(std::pair{test0(), [&](auto) { call_count++; }},
                                 [&](Try<int> val) {
                                     EXPECT_EQ(val.value(), 42);
                       std::pair{test2(42), [&](Try<std::string> val) {
                                     EXPECT_EQ("42", val.value());
    EXPECT_EQ(1, call_count);

void vectorCallback() {
    auto test0 = []() -> Lazy<int> { co_return 41; };
    auto test1 = []() -> Lazy<int> { co_return 42; };

    std::vector<Lazy<int>> input;

    auto collectAnyLazy = [](auto input, auto func) -> Lazy<void> {
        co_await collectAny(std::move(input), func);

    size_t index = syncAwait(collectAnyLazy(std::move(input), [](size_t index, Try<int> val) {
        if (index == 0) {
            EXPECT_EQ(val.value(), 41);
        } else {
            EXPECT_EQ(val.value(), 42);


The structure of CollectAnyResult would be:

template <typename T>
struct CollectAnyResult<void> {
    size_t _idx;
    Try<T> _value;

    size_t index() const;
    bool hasError() const;
    // Require hasError() == true. Otherwise it is UB to call
    // this method.
    std::exception_ptr getException() const;
    // Require hasError() == false. Otherwise it is UB to call
    // value() method.
    const T& value() const&;
    T& value() &;
    T&& value() &&;
    const T&& value() const&&;

_idx means the index of the first completed task, we can use index() method to get the index.. _value represents the corresponding value. We can use hasError() method to check if the result failed. If the result failed, we can use getException() method to get the exception pointer. If the result succeeded, we can use value() method to get the value.

For exmaple:

Lazy<void> foo() {
    std::vector<Lazy<int>> input;

    auto any_result = co_await collectAny(std::move(input));
    std::cout << "The index of the first task completed is " << any_result.index() << "\n";
    if (any_result.hasError())
        std::cout << "It failed.\n";
        std::cout << "Its result: " << any_result.value() << "\n";
Lazy<void> foo_var() {
  auto res = co_await collectAny(ComputingTask<int>(1),ComputingTask<int>(2),ComputingTask<double>(3.14f));
  std::cout<< "Index: " << res.index();
  std::visit([](auto &&value){
    std::cout<<"Value: "<< value <<std::endl;
  }, res);

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