
In this tutorial, we will illustrate the process of introducing intelligence into applications using the App-Controller framework, including how to add necessaries knowledge to the App-Controller and how to deploy the App-Controller to achieve intelligent interaction with users.

Step1: Data Preparation

First, you need to provide some knowledge to the App-Controller, including the app’s available API documentation and other optional documents.

You should create a directory structure for submitting your knowledge(MetaData) to App-Controller as follows. Note that the UserData and Index are generated by the App-Controller, so you only need to provide the MetaData directory.

Your application name
├── MetaData
│   ├── Apis                                        # Describing the API information of the application.      ├── Apis_1.json                             # The first group of APIs.      ├── ...                         ├── Apis_k.json                             # The k-th group of APIs.   ├── KnowledgeApi_custom_folder_name             # Knowledge for the first special API. (Optional)      ├── config.json                             # The configuration file for the special KnowledgeApi.      ├── KnowledgeFile_1.json                    # The document for the special KnowledgeApi.    ├── KnowledgeApi_custom_folder_name             # Knowledge for k-th special KnowledgeApi. (Optional)
├── Index                                           # The automatically generated index file for Apis and other knowledge.   ├── embedding_model_name                        # The index from first embedding model.      ├── Apis                                    # The index for Apis.       ├── KnowledgeApi_custom_folder_name         # The index for the certain specific KnowledgeApi.   ├── embedding_model_name2                       # The index from second embedding model.   ├── ...
├── UserData                                        # It is generated by the App-Controller to record the user's input and reasoning process

Prepare API Documentation

You must provide available API information for your application. The API information should be stored in the Apis directory. All files in the directory should be a .json file and each file can contain multiple APIs. In general, You can organize the API with similar functions into one file.

Typically, a file can be organized as below.

  "api_name": {
    "name": "api_name",
    "description": "A detailed description of the API function. More detailed information will improve the performance.",
    "parameters": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "argument_name_1": {
          "type": "type for argument_name_1, such as string, list, boolean, object, etc.",
          "description": "A detailed description of argument_name_1, including the capability and range of value."
        // the rest of the argument with the same json format
      //The required field is used to specify the required parameters for the API.
      "required": [
  // the rest of the APIs with the same json format

Once the App-Controller is started, it will automatically search all the .json files in the Apis directory and build index for each API. The index file will be stored in the Index directory.

Note that, App-Controller will automatically update index file when any api is added or updated to the Apis directory. However, App-Controller will not update the index file when any api is deleted from the Apis directory. In this case, you need to manually all the index file related to api in the Index directory.

Prepare KnowledgeAPI Documentation

In general, there are some special APIs that can achieve various functions. For example, a special api called “setSetting(key: str, value: str)” can be used to change the various setting of the application by filling different parameters. We call such api as KnowledgeAPI. We design a KnowledgeApi mechanism for providing more detailed information for the parameters of KnowledgeAPI.

Specifically, for each user task, we will explore whether the user’s input can be fulfilled by the KnowledgeApi with specific parameters. If the user’s input can be fulfilled by the KnowledgeApi, the App-Controller will return the KnowledgeApi to fulfill the user’s input.

You can create any KnowledgeApi_customm_folder_name directory prefixed with KnowledgeApi_ to provide the knowledge for the special API and the directory should be organized as below.

   KnowledgeApi_customm_folder_name                # Knowledge for the first special API. (Optional)   ├── config.json                                 # The configuration file for the special API.   ├── knowledge_folder                            # Knowledge folder for KnowledgeApi      ├── knowledge1.json                         # Knowledge file   ├── knowledge2.json                             # Knowledge file

It includes a necessary config.json and the knowledge file recording the information for this special API. All knowledge file can be saved in the anywhere under the folder KnowledgeApi_customm_folder_name.

Config file

A config file is used to specify the information of the special API. The config file should be organized as below.

  "special_api_name": {
    "name": "special_api_name",
    "description": "A detailed description of the API function. More detailed information will improve the performance.",
    "parameters": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "argument_name_1": {
          "type": "type for argument_name_1, such as string, list, boolean, object, etc.",
          "description": "A detailed description of argument_name_1, including the capability and range of value."
        // the rest of the argument with the same json format
      //The required field is used to specify the required parameters for the API.
      "required": [
  // the number of candidate knowledge item for index search. 
  "retrieve_size": 10,
  // the Advanced or Lightweight level for the chat model. 
  "chatModelLevel": "Lightweight"

Knowledge file

The file includes a list of knowledge item. Each item use a json format to record the information and include the id, desc, and example(optional) field.

  • id: The unique identifier for the knowledge item, such as the name of the setting.

  • desc: A detailed description of the knowledge item.

  • example(optional): An example of the knowledge item. You should provide enough information here such that LLM can learn how to utilize this knowledge item to fill with the parameters of the special API.

A example of knowledge file about VsCode should be organized as below.

    "id": "editor.fontSize",
    "desc": " Controls the font size in pixels.",
    "example": {
      "editor.fontSize": 14
    "id": "editor.tokenColorCustomizations",
    "desc": " Overrides editor syntax colors and font style from the currently selected color theme.",
    "example": {
      "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
        "comments": "#808080"

Once the App-Controller is started, it will automatically build knowledge index for each knowledgeApi independently by searching all the directories prefixed with KnowledgeApi_.

Then, for each knowledgeApi, App-Controller will automatically search all the knowledge files in the KnowledgeApi_custom_folder_name and read config file. Each knowledge item will be indexed independently and the index file will be stored in the Index directory.

Similarly, App-Controller will automatically update index file when any knowledge item is added or updated. However, App-Controller will not update the index file when any item is deleted . In this case, you need to manually all the index file in the Index directory.

Step2: Communication Interface Implementation

App-Controller offers a robust HTTP-interface for applications to seamlessly communicate with its services. Below you will find the detailed descriptions of the interface’s endpoints, ensuring smooth interaction between your application and the App-Controller platform.

Start Endpoint

Endpoint: /start

Method: POST

Purpose: Submit the user input to the App-Controller system to initiate pipeline of scheduler.

RequestBody: JSON object.

Request Example:

  "userId": "The unique identifier for the user engaging with the system.",
  "sessionId": "A unique identifier for the current session. Each user input should be assigned a new sessionId",
  "content": "The user input",
  "chat_model_config": "Configuration settings for the chat model that drives dialogue or messaging interactions.",
  "embedding_model_config": "Configuration settings for the embedding model used to process or understand the content.",
  "environments": {
    "The description of first environment": "the value of first environment",
    // the rest of the environment with the same json format

Response: Please refer to the Response section for more details.

HandleApiResponse Endpoint

Endpoint: /handleApiResponse

Method: POST

Purpose: Submit the execution result to the App-Controller system.

RequestBody: JSON object.

Request Example:

  // return the original response from the App-Controller with extra parameter "result" for each api.
  "status": "Task_Api_Call",
  "data": {
    "apis": [
        "name": "the name of the api",
        "arguments": {
          "argument1 name": "value or list or object",
          "argument2 name": "value or list or object",
          // the rest of the argument with the same json format
        // extra parameter
        "result": "the result of the api call, including whether the api call is successful or not. The error message if the api call is failed."
  "isTerminal": "true or false using boolean type",

Response: Please refer to the Response section for more details.

Finish Endpoint

Endpoint: /finish

Method: POST

Purpose: Inform the App-Controller system that the task has been completed. It is only called when the App-Controller returns the Task_Api_Call response with isTerminal set to true and the api call is successful.

RequestBody: JSON object.

Request Example:

  "userId": "The unique identifier for the user engaging with the system.",
  "sessionId": "A unique identifier for the current session. Each user input should be assigned a new sessionId",

Response: Please refer to the Response section for more details.

Cancel Endpoint

Endpoint: /cancel

Method: POST

Purpose: Inform the App-Controller system that the task has been cancelled. The task will be stopped directly.

RequestBody: JSON object.

Request Example:

  "userId": "The unique identifier for the user engaging with the system.",
  "sessionId": "A unique identifier for the current session. Each user input should be assigned a new sessionId",


Please refer to the Response section for more details.

Endpoint Response

In general, the App-Controller will return the following several responses, including Task_Api_Call,Task_Failed ,Task_Finished ,Task_Cancelled,Task_Exception,Task_Question.


The response will be returned when the App-Controller needs to call the API to fulfill the user’s input.

  // Indicate the status of the response.
  "status": "Task_Api_Call",
  "data": {
    "apis": [
        "name": "the name of the api",
        "arguments": {
          "argument1 name": "value or list or object",
          "argument2 name": "value or list or object",
          // the rest of the argument with the same json format
  "isTerminal": "true or false using boolean type",
  • apis: return the list of api that need to be sequentially called to fulfill the user’s input. Each api includes the name and arguments.

  • isTerminal: true mean the task has been completed directly after the api is successfully called, false mean the task has not been completed after the api is successfully called, the interaction will continue.


The response will be returned when the App-Controller consider the task has been completed.

  "status": "Task_Finished"

Note that, App-Controller use two ways to notify the task has been completed. One is to return the Task_Finished response with the close of the session context, the other is to return the Task_Api_Call response with isTerminal set to true. However, the task will continue if the api call is failed.


The response will be returned when the App-Controller consider the task cannot be completed.

  "status": "Task_Failed"


The response will be returned when you send request to App-Controller with a session_id that has been stopped.

  "status": "Task_Cancelled"


The response will be returned when there are any exceptions during the task processing. The task will be stopped directly.

  "status": "Task_Exception"


The response will be returned when the App-Controller consider the input as a question instead of a task.

  "status": "Task_Question",

Step3: Configuration your App-Controller

Embedding Model Configuration

App-Controller need to use two types of model, including the chat model and the embedding model. These models need api key to be called. In our system, the user of your application need to provide api keys of two types model. In addition, the developer of application need to provide the api key of the embedding model for pre-building the index.

  • Chat model: It is used to reason the suitable API for the user’s input. All users of your application need to send api key of selected chat model to the App-Controller. Then, the chat model will be called by the api key.

  • Embedding model: For the developer of application, you need to provide the api key of the embedding model for pre-building the index on available apis and other knowledge. For the user of your application, the api key of the embedding model will be used to embed the user’s input for searching the most similar knowledge. Note that the embedding model used by the user can only be selected from the embedding models used by the developer to build th index.

You can configure your embedding model by modifying the embed_model_config file. It supports multiple embedding models. Each embedding model will build index for all apis and knowledge independently. Each config of embed model should refer to Model Config

For example, you can configure the embedding model of openai as below.

    "config_name": "openai_embedding_config",
    "model_type": "openai_embedding",
    "model_name": "{model_name}",
    "api_key": "{your_api_key}",
    "organization": "{your_organization}",
    "client_args": {
      // e.g. "max_retries": 3,
    "generate_args": {
      // e.g. "encoding_format": "float"

Basic Configuration

You can configure the App-Controller by modifying the config.ini file. There are several important parameters that you need to pay attention to.

; Application name
app = visual studio code
; the path of the app data directory, which is used to store the "MetaData","Index","UserData" and others.
app_data_dir = /Users/wlg/Documents/alibaba/llm4apis/LLM_For_APIs/AppSupports/SmartVscodeExtension/

; Model settings
; build index for these embedding models separately
; enabled_embed_models = openai_embedding_config:text-embedding-3-small,qwen_embedding_config:text-embedding-v2
enabled_embed_models = openai_embedding_config:text-embedding-3-small

; Server configuration
http_port = 5000
  • app: The name of the application.

  • app_data_dir: The path of the app data directory, which is used to store the MetaData, Index, UserData and others.

  • enabled_embed_models: The index are dependent on the embedding model. You can specify multiple embedding models separated by ,. Each embedding model should be organized as model_orgnization_name:embedding_model_name. All indexes will build for each embedding model separately.

  • http_port: The port of the App-Controller server. More details about the configuration file can be found in the config.ini file.

Step4: Start the service

After completing the above configuration, you can start the service by running the following command in a bash.

# Start a service via the configured port number.

Once the service is started, the backend will automatically build/update/load the index files of the konwledge provided in the data preparation and listen to the user requests forwarded from the App.

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