
To install App-Controller, you need to have Python 3.9 or higher installed. We recommend setting up a new virtual environment specifically for App-Controller:

Create a Virtual Environment

Using Conda

If you’re using Conda as your package and environment management tool, you can create a new virtual environment with Python 3.9 using the following commands:

# Create a new virtual environment named 'App-Controller' with Python 3.9
conda create -n App-Controller python=3.9

# Activate the virtual environment
conda activate App-Controller

Installing App-Controller from Source

In order to facilitate the connection with your application, you should install App-Controller directly from the source code, follow these steps to clone the repository and install the platform in editable mode:

# Pull the source code from Github
git clone
cd App-Controller

# Install the required dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

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