Unsupported usage

  • the AndroidManifest.xml in bundle can only use res from base bundle.

  • the anim file for window animation(Activity,Dialog,Popupwindow) should from base bundle. for example: when using

overridePendingTransition(int enterAnim, int exitAnim)"

enterAnim or exitAnim file can only from base bundle.

  • custom attribute in bundle is restricted.

  • If you are declaring a style in bundle, it's parent style(if it has) should only from base bundle.

Troubleshoot Android Atlas Apps development issues

This page describes common problems or issues that can arise when developing Android Atlas Apps and how to fix them. If you encounter other challenges while developing your atlas app, report us in github https://github.com/alibaba/atlas.

Run the Atlas App APK

here are some issue when you develop atlas app,this may cause crash when you run. some issues are astricted in osgi framework.

Error messageDescriptionSolution
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Can't find class com.taobao.tao.msgcenter.manager in BundleClassLoader: com.taobao.wangxinclass is not found in bundle com.taobao.wangxinfirst you should check in bundle dex,class is existed, also you should check the class in other bundle,if class is in other bundle dex, add bundle dependency can solve this problem
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x39030039resourceid can not found in bundle in package 0x39in atlas framework activity animation ,remoteview, widget ,popupwindow resource which resource will be found in WindowManagerService,you should put these resouce in maindex,otherwise may cause resource not found

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