1. Main Function

  • Compile Mobile Taobao Android, Mobile Youku Android, Mobile Cainiao Android quickly. Less than a minute
  • Build dynamic deploy patches with one single click, And install these patches to you android phone
  • Create a Atlas project or Atlas Bundle

2. Installation

2.1 Install from JetBrains Plugin repositories
  1. Open Preferences -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories
  2. Input AtlasBuildTool
  3. Install And Restart Idea
2.2 Install Local
  1. Download Plugin
  2. Open Preferences -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories
  3. Install Plugin from disk...
  4. Select downloaded plugin
  5. restart Idea

3. Usage

3.1 Create Atlas Project or Bundle
Create Atlas Project
  1. File -> New -> Atlas Projects... -> Project.

  2. It looks like creating a Normal Android Project in first few steps.

  3. Then you will see the final step like this.

    createAtlasProjectAndConfig undefinedAtlas Gradle Plugin : A Gradle Tool to build atlas project

    1. Atlas Core : Atlas Core runtime library
    2. Atlas Update : A Library make Atlas project can update through patches. (Optional)

    ​Go to Here to get the detail infomation of these three Lib

  4. Then Finish

  5. You will get a Android Project with all Atlas depdencies after Finish, And the app is the main dex
Create Atlas Bundle

You may need to add an Atlas bundle to your Atlas project after it is created.

So you can make a integrated experience of Atlas.

Create a bundle like this :

  1. File -> New -> Atlas Projects... -> Bundle.

  2. It looks like creating a Normal Android Bundle in first few steps.

  3. Then you will see the final step like this.


    Note that this step will be displayed only if this bundle is a Android library

    And First of all there is must a Main dex module in current project

    1. Main Dex : The Main Dex of this project.
    2. Bundle Property :
      1. autoStart : If this is selected, this bundle will be auto started after atlas turn alive
      2. outOfApk : It is means this bundle will be marked as a remote bundle. It is against with autoStart
      3. dataBinding : mark this bundle as a databinding bundle


3.2 Add Atlas to a exist project
  1. Tools -> Atlas -> Configure Atlas in Project


  2. And You will see something like this


  3. Click Ok or you can select these lib's version before. Atlas's properties will be added into this project immediately.

3.3 Build Atlas dexPatches And install

First of all you should have some knowledge about dexPatch

  1. Add a Deploy Runconfiguration



  2. Configure


    ①. MainDexModule: The MainDex Of this project
    ②. Deploy: Dynamic type, only DexPatch for now
    ③. apVersion : ap's version
    ④. versionName : dex patch's versionCode, The Main app's version will be this versionCode after it is updated successfully
    ⑤. Increase versionName automatically : it is means whether to increase the versionCode after the build action is done

  1. The click Run
3.4 Build Atlas dexPatches And install

This Function is only for Alibaba developers for the moment.

Make us know if you want to use this function

  1. Add a Run Runconfiguration



  2. Configure


    • Ap Address : Ap's Download.
    • Selected App : The fast build app. Mobile Taobao Android,Mobile Taobao Youku, Mobile Taobao Cainiao are supported. Make us know if you want to use this function
    • Build Type : Apk or Dynamic
    • Build Modules : The Modules can be build to selected app. one module should be selected at least.
    • Source | Coordinate : Two ways of building project. It is like compile project And compile coordinate in gradle.
    • Selected : Only the selected module will be build to the final artifact Apk or Patches
    • Transitive : Gradle's transitive property, Detail
    • Custom Modules : You Can add another coordinate dependency here. this lib will be build into the final artifact Apk or Patches
  3. Then click run to enjoy it

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