Native Android apps, without the installation
An evolution in app development, Atlas split your app code to many bundle-modules which is decouple with each other, And the Apk File built by Atlas plugin is also different from the default apk. It may has some small apk in libs or assets which we called them bundles. Every bundle has it's own dex and res just like default apk. Usually a bundle means an independent individual.
Atlas allows Android users to run your bundles instantly, without installation. Android users experience what they love about apps—fast and beautiful user interfaces, high performance, and great capabilities—with just a tap.
Access any component from local bundle

Access remote component from remote bundle
When Compiling the final Apk,Atlas support packaging part of bundles to apk with the others be stored on the server if you want. Usually the frequency of these bundles being used is lower. So we can reduce the apk size through this behavior,and users can use it when they want. users also could be no aware that they are using a remote bundle If the bundle is small enough and can be downloaded very quickly,And the waiting dialog is no need on that condition.

Update bundle without the entire Apk upgrade
Developers can update classes or resources
dynamiclly without updating the entire apk. Users will get new function as soon as new update patch has been uploaded.
Compatible with all versions higher than 4.0